Welcome Back!!!

Throughout the semester you will be presented with the basic principles of graphic design and explore them through problem-solving assignments using both studio and computer practices. You will develop a keen sense for conceptual and visual content.

For the duration of this course you will follow the graphic design process of research, idea development, visualization and execution for every assignment. Your design work should always intellectually stimulate and challenge you as well as your audience. It must always communicate its ideas in a clear, concise and effective manner without you having to provide an explanation. Your design work must succeed aesthically and your craftsmanship must always be solid in its execution.

Below is a materials of items you will need:

Sketchbook 8”x10”-11”x14”
Drawing pencils- 6B (softest) -6H (hardest)
White plastic eraser (Steadler Mars)
Black pens- Micron, gel or Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens recommended
Black Sharpies (various tips- ultra fine, fine, chisel tip…)
Black illustration/ mounting boards
Xacto knife and replacement blades
Self-healing cutting mat
UHU glue stick- large
Rubber Cement
Cork backed ruler (at least 18”)

Presentation Portfolio
Flash Drive- 1GB or larger
CD-R Disk
Digital Camera and USB Cord (if owned)
* Additional materials may be added at a later date.

*When in the computer lab remember to ALWAYS SAVE YOUR WORK!!!

TEXT: Graphic design Essentials: Skills, Software, and Creative Solutions         

Joyce Walsh Macario
ISBN: 978-0-13-605235-7

General Assignment Rubric:


1 comment:

  1. Hey…how can you write so well? My children are gaga over your colorful website. My teenage daughter wants to sell her `dance moves’ online and my younger son is recording his rock ‘n roll compositions. Thanks for your idea on making money by posting talents that each one of us have in some form or the other. As per your suggestions, my family as a whole (including hubby dear) have posted what we have to offer on sell my creative graphic design,superb logo design
    websites. I think a `family that blogs together, also stays together’.
